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The Chais Group

CRD Inc., now doing business as The Chais Group (TCG), was established in 1987 to serve the Wireless Industry, providing project management and consulting services, testing and building system, integration and support management services. The emergence of the latest technology heightened the need to expand our services provided to the wireless industry enticing the establishment of TCG.

The Chais Group was conceived in 2001 to continue serving the National needs of both the Operators and the Suppliers of wireless telecommunications products in implementation and support services. TCG consists of proven professionals who have worked in the wireless industry since its commercial birth. TCG’s experience in Cellular, PCS, Broadband, WLL and PTP establishes it as the service provider to assist existing telecommunication operators with aiding rapid deployment and reducing implementation costs.

TCG’s has in house expertise with wireless carriers, wireless service providers, wireless manufactures and implementation and support services from proven experience in the wireless industry both nationally and internationally.

TCG is dedicated to providing professional expertise to major telecom providers. TCG believes in delivering solutions that meet the clients’ time scales and budget.

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                        The Chais Group                             
Corporate Headquarters     errol1@thechaisgroup.com     +1.505.400.7054 Main
1103 Arroyo Piedra     admin@thechaisgroup.com     +1.505.992.8895 Fax
Santa Fe, NM 8750     www.thechaisgroup.com     +1.505.400.7054 Cell